Acne Recovery

Acne Recovery is a 90 day commitment program with agreement from you with bi-weekly check ins. Professional custom treatments & customize skin care regimen with product adjustments to prevent skin from hitting a plateau. Face Reality Skin Care is a pharmaceutical-grade line of products that are designed specifically to treat & prevent acne. With the right products that work the right way at the right time, acne can be controlled. Face Reality Acne Recovery Program has a 97% success rate perfect for those who are looking for clear skin with out harsh prescriptions.
Acne Recovery Results!

Consultation $120
This is the beginning of your clear skin journey!
During the initial consult you will receive a comprehensive acne assessment to determine your skin type & acne severity. We will talk about your skin goals, skin history, life style, current regimen, as well as go over the Acne Recovery Program forms including Acne consultation packet, commitment guide lines, client questionnaire, & medical history. The skin sensitivity test will be preformed at this appointment, as well as creating your customized skin care regimen & schedule you for bi-weekly check in.
Daily Routine
As part of Skin & Body's Acne Recovery Program a at home skin care regimen is required & a crucial part of getting clear skin. Your routine will be used twice a day morning & night. Products will advanced throughout the program & some may have a time schedule. As your acne skin care professional I will create a customized skin care regimen specifically for your skin & acne type.
Bi-Weekly Check In
& Treatment $75
Monthly $140
At the Bi-weekly check appointment we will go over product usage make adjustments for skin care routine, products & address any concerns you may have.
Depending on your condition of your skin at this time will determine a treatment options of either an Acne Peel or Hydrating Enzyme Treatment including extractions, high frequency Celluma LED light therapy & finishing products. Then schedule your for bi-weekly check in.
Monthly appointments available if recommended $125
What is Acne
An inherited disorder of the pores. Simply put healthy skin sheds about 1 layer of skin per day, acne prone skin sheds about 5 layers per day, when skin sheds more quickly it creates a blockage & creates a perfect environment for p-acne bacteria to thrive, & a microcomedone is formed the beginning of all acne. We categorize acne as inflamed, no-inflamed & combination as well as acne imposters. Each skin & acne type requires different product strengths & treatments. Clearing up acne is not an over night process. Acne can be controlled with the right products that work the right way deep inside the pore to keep acne from forming in the first place, & to clear up any existing acne. Acne can take up to 90 days to come to the surface, so when treating acne you may experience breakouts thought out the process of getting clear skin. Acne prone skin can have" triggers" or aggravating factors that can lead to breakouts such as hormones, diet, life style, cosmetics & medications. As your skin care professional I'm determined in getting your skin clear of breakouts & healthy.